It all begins…

I read “In the Shining Mountains” for the first time in 2012, and ever since I have been captivated by Dave’s book and his story. As a Colorado dweller since 2007, I identify all too well with his feeling of disillusionment with the juxtaposition of the classical "wild western mountains" with the region's current status as the fastest growing area in the country.

This year I plan to repeat each of the hikes that Dave did - in the Bitterroot Mountains, in the Swans, and finally in the Crows. One of the defining characteristics of "In the Shining Mountains" is Dave's mountain-man alter ego "Old Gabe", who Dave uses as inspiration and companion during his travels. For my part I will turn to Dave himself for my companionship - attempting to faithfully follow his hiking philosophy and routes as best I can determine them.

This website will serve as a repository of my research on Dave, on his book, and on the current state of the mountains that he explored.